The Milk Room Routines

The morning coffee is on, the sunrise to another beautiful day has arrived.

It’s time to get things ready for the morning milking here at our Homestead. What started out with one Nubian Goat for our house milk has turned into so much more.

The journey that developed into our love affair of the Nubian Dairy Goat has been a interesting and educational experience. So much more then we thought possible but here we are. My oh my how time can fly and you look back over the years to see a beautiful tapestry that makes up your life by weaving events & experiences together. But alas I’m getting side tracked. Which is not a hard thing for this busy girl to do. 🙂 now let’s get back to the topic.

The girls are finishing their breakfast… And are getting ready to head over to the milk room & make their morning contribution to our small operation. Today’s milk is destined to be used in our Amazing Hand Crafted Artisan Goat Milk Soaps. Each of our doe’s has a strong work ethic and love to show their enthusiasm with their vocal calls telling me that it is in fact time for milking, ( and they are not shy in the least about letting this be known).

So being the good Herd Queen, I add the first rations into the grain pains on the milk stands, and get things in order for the machine to start the job of collecting the Rich sweet Goat Milk. It’s a routine that I love. Each girl comes into the milk room, and jumps onto her stand. I lock their heads into the stanchion… And they begin to munch their dairy ration of grain. I put on my clean rubber gloves and clean each udder with a wash and paper towels. A quick squirt into the teat cup… And we’re ready to go. I do that to clear out any debris and check for any changes in the milk. Then the inflations are placed on each teat . The machine is making its own “Whoosh Whoosh” sound as the milk travels thru the milk lines into the stainless steel milk pail. Even after all these years I’m still fascinated by this whole process. I love seeing my productive girls do what they are bred for. Standing with them in the quiet time of early morning is soothing to me. Then before you know it they are done. I remove the inflations & spray each teat with a udder spray to help close the teat canal. It’s these quiet precious moments that the Nubian steals your heart. Before you know it they have wormed their cute personalities and quirky antics into your life and hearts. I believe the Nubians truly understand that Laughter is the best medicine…. And they hand that out in so many ways.

The repetitive milking cycle that starts with the first set of girls and finishes as the last set of girls walking out of the milk room munching on their reward of animal cookies. Yes it’s true…. You can laugh along with me about that. I give each girl 3 animal cookies as they get down off the stand and walk with me toward the exit door. It’s the secret to this Herd Queens success.

Now to finish my milk chores and get this fresh milk ready to get chilled in the refrigerator and get to making soap. It’s time for me to get to making our Soaps that will soon be listed in our Etsy store. Please stop in and check out our Goat Milk Soaps available for sale. image

Our Etsy Store

Let the “Soaping Adventure Begin”

Were just starting to get things squared away with all the “too do’s” on the list. 

Our HandCrafted Artisian Goat Milk Soaps are created right here in our  very own soaping studio. I’ll be adding more to this page / blog. We sell it thru our Etsy store, I’ll try to add a link here as soon as I figure that out 😜  But here we go let the blogging commence